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Product Life Strategy Intuitive Reading

Are you wondering, “What is my life purpose?”

An intuitive reading can help you find the answer.

An intuitive reading is a date between your conscious self and your spirit/soul. It often results in a profound shift in your perception. It allows you to recognize yourself as inherently whole, perfectly suited to experience and learn from the life you are now living. It is also a time that you will be shown patterns that may or may not serve you.

All of my coaching work with individuals begins with an intuitive reading, but readings are also available as a separate service. An additional one-hour follow-up session is included in your reading. This time allows you to choose your next step in your journey

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  • To make a one-time payment using our PayPal portal, you do not need to have a PayPal account or use your PP account. You can click on the button below the PayPal login that says Pay with Credit or Debit Card. This will take you to a credit card form where you can enter your information and complete payment.
  • If you are setting up a recurring payment, i.e. 3 payments over 3 months, then you will need to have a PayPal account to process that. PayPal will provide a way to set that up for free right on the payment portal page if you don't have an account.
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300.00 USD